Cayman hoisted a special flag Monday to mark Commonwealth Day, along with 52 other territories and countries around the world.
Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth is a flag-raising ceremony dedicated to marking Commonwealth Day, which is held on the second Monday in March every year. The event involves councils, community groups and charities throughout Cayman celebrating the day.
This year’s theme for Commonwealth Day was “Towards a Common Future.” The event took place outside the Government Administration Building, with the flag being raised promptly at 10 a.m. Former Chief Secretary Lemuel Hurlston read a message from Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland from Dominica.
“Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth is an occasion to acknowledge publicly and collectively the continuing aspiration of the Commonwealth to build on common traditions and uphold our shared values of democracy, inclusive development and respect for diversity.” Ms. Scotland said in her message.
She added, “Local and national flag raising ceremonies in school yards, on village greens, in town squares, and on mountaintops and beaches, bring greater understanding and appreciation of the values and principles of the Commonwealth Charter – to which the governments of all Commonwealth countries subscribe, and to which each of us individually as Commonwealth citizens can recommit ourselves on Commonwealth Day.”
Cayman Girl guiding’s Hannah Chelsea Bodden read the Commonwealth Affirmation of joining together as members of one worldwide Commonwealth community, and valuing personal dignity and worth.
“We raise this flag as a symbol of the ties of kinship and affinity that we cherish,” Ms. Bodden said.
The short ceremony was brought to a close by Deputy Governor Franz Manderson raising the flag.