Franz Manderson Shares A Message For The One Year Milestone For The Covid-19 Pandemic

Franz Manderson Shares A Message For The One Year Milestone For The Covid-19 Pandemic

Deputy Governor and Chairman of The Cayman Islands National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) has honored the efforts of the Cayman Islands on the one year anniversary of the COVI-19 pandemic.

” In the year since the Cayman Islands closed its boarders and went into lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all our lives have changed forever.

The challenges and sacrifices have been many. However, what the year since 22 March 2020 has proved is that we are resilient; not only as a country, but as individuals.

During the height of our emergency response last year, I was deeply inspired by how the community worked together.

Public sector, private sector, non-profits, private citizens – each of you did your part to help us all keep safe.

Non-essential people worked from home, did schooling from home, adhered to curfew restrictions that seperated extended families and friends.

Our essential and emergency workers relentlessly provided the services that were needed, often in prolonged, back-to-back shifts.

We had to embrace innovation and we did so remarkably.

A year on, some of the changes we had to make have become our new normal. And, while we are still working trough challenges, we are in a far better position than many other places.

A growing portion of our population is being vaccinated and we can look forward to the reopening of our borders.

On this one-year anniversary, let us take a few moments to look back at our time during and immediately after our COVID lockdown.

Let us remember the reasons we have to be grateful and to celebrate.

Yours Sincerely,

Franz Manderson”

franz manderson

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