The Cayman Islands Water Authority (WA) have begun laying new pipelines in the West End of Cayman Brac. The laying of the new pipes will be followed by an update to the water pipes currently servicing the islands main tourism areas, this includes the Alexander Hotel, the Brac Reef Resort and the Brac Caribbean and Carib Sands.
Currently, these areas receive water via pipes which run under the airport property, which must be removed to comply with international safety standards. The Cayman Islands Water Authority say, this project is part of their 10 year capital plan to expand its water infrastructure to the islands.
“The existing water distribution system was installed in 1991, and has not been extended significantly over the last 20+ years,” said WA Deputy Director Tom van Zanten. “Since then several homes have been constructed on the side roads off Gerrard Smith Avenue which do not have access to piped water.
“Additionally part of the existing main pipeline is within the airport property, and as a result of revised international safety and security requirements must be removed. The new pipeline will ensure that the Water Authority can deliver piped water efficiently and reliably to more customers,” van Zanten said.
“As minister for Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, I am very pleased to have the Water Authority start the piped water project on Cayman Brac,” said Deputy Premier Moses Kirkconnell. “This will encourage sustainable development and improve the quality of life for Cayman Brac residents.”
The project which started at the beginning of November 2013 will see 3 miles of pipework which will take approximately 8 months. Experienced pipe-layers have been relocated from Grand Cayman and will work with local hired laborers.
Lemuel Hurlston, Chairman of the Water Authority Board stated, “The board of directors is delighted to direct the considerable investments in the proposed major infrastructure development works in Cayman Brac. We are confident that these will offer employment opportunities while expanding the services to residents and businesses there and ultimately to Little Cayman.”